Travel Blog: "Ireland"

What to Expect on a Pub Crawl in Dublin
Date: 5 December, 2019
What to Expect on a Pub Crawl in Dublin
So, you’ve just landed in Dublin and you know a good night out is virtually guaranteed, but how do you ensure a great night out in Dublin?! Are you looking for a pub with live music? Are you looking for character-filled traditional Dublin pubs, trendy bars, or vibrant clubs? Are you looking for authentic local pubs or a nice mix of tourists and locals?” Now, you’re totally confused, right? All you really know is you want it all!
Backpacker Pubcrawl Dublin is the Answer to New Year's Eve!
Date: 24 December, 2015
Backpacker Pubcrawl Dublin is the Answer to New Year's Eve!
We here at the Backpacker Pub Crawl Dublin bring happy party-people together for a great night every night. Dublin is a pub wonderland with incredible nightlife and famously friendly locals, all the ingredients for having a whale of a time. New Year's Eve however, that's a whole different animal!